Articles & Case Studies

Hydrogen Cleaning: Ensuring Safety and Reliability in Pressurized Hydrogen Systems

Hydrogen is an increasingly important and prominent energy carrier, with applications ranging from fuel cells to electrolyzers…

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Battery Safety Insights with Nic Linley, Electrical Engineer

Battery technology continues to evolve rapidly in the 21st Century, powering an expanding array of devices and…

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Oxygen Cylinder Filling System Fire Case Study

Oxygen cylinders and pressure systems quietly hold enormous amounts of energy. When things go wrong, the results…

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WHA Presents O2 Safety Papers at 2024 ASTM G04 Symposium

In October 2024, Gwenael Chiffoleau, Nic Linley, and Brent Houser traveled to Prague for the 16th ASTM…

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Nonmetals Oxygen Compatibility Requirements: Guide to CGA/EIGA Compliance

The Compressed Gas Association (CGA) and European Industrial Gases Association (EIGA) have harmonized key documents providing guidance…

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WHA Launches Oxygen Equipment Supplier Certification Program

Ignition and combustion hazards are present in almost all oxygen and oxygen-enriched systems, and catastrophic fires have…

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