Articles & Case Studies

WHA Launches Oxygen Equipment Supplier Certification Program

Ignition and combustion hazards are present in almost all oxygen and oxygen-enriched systems, and catastrophic fires have…

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Case Study: Fire Station Medical Oxygen Cylinder Fire

A medical oxygen cylinder experienced a catastrophic failure and burnout during a routine fire station equipment check

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Oxygen Cylinder Safety

An oxygen tank, or “oxygen cylinder,” is a pressurized container that stores and transports oxygen in its…

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Real world oxygen fire evidence underscores the need for safety

Over 30+ years of investigating oxygen fires at WHA International, Inc., we have documented hundreds of incidents and related fire-damaged artifacts.

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Why clean for oxygen service?

Recently, updates were published for two important international standards that provide guidance and best practices for oxygen…

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Case Study: Aluminum Oxygen Tank Fires Initiated by Impact

In recent years, several notable oxygen tank fires have occurred after a fall or sudden impact. WHA is actively investigating what went wrong.

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