Does your company handle compressed oxygen cylinders? Government agencies officially recognize oxygen as a hazardous fluid (See OSHA 29CFR1910.1200). Therefore, companies must provide appropriate training and safety resources to any personnel involved in the handling or use of oxygen.
Enter your information below to download our free oxygen cylinder safety guide, presented in an 11x17" tabloid poster format for quick reference and display wherever oxygen is used. This document features important reminders for:
- Inspecting oxygen equipment
- Clearing cylinder valves
- Assembling oxygen components
- Starting up oxygen systems
- Shutting down oxygen systems
- Handling of empty oxygen cylinders
Please see our blog for more free information on oxygen cylinder safety.
Disclaimer: This free informational resource is not a substitute for required oxygen safety training. See our training course page for more information on oxygen cylinder safety training, which is included in every WHA oxygen safety course.

Oxygen Cylinder Safety Poster Download
Enter your information to download our free oxygen cylinder safety poster.
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