Articles & Case Studies

Where Does Hydrogen Come From? Hydrogen Production Methods

Hydrogen’s unique properties make it an excellent fuel for industrial processes, hydrogen fuel cells, and other clean…

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WHA International Advances NASA Oxygen Safety Methods for Industry

WHA International has shared a close relationship with NASA since its inception in 1987. Many of WHA’s…

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Case Study: Power Plant Hydrogen Explosion

Last updated on September 20th, 2023. In 2007, a routine gaseous hydrogen (GH2) delivery resulted in a…

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High-Energy Tests Examine the Origins of Explosive Incidents

This article about WHA’s high-energy tests originally appeared in GasWorld US Hydrogen Issue of June, 2022. In…

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WHA Enhances Electrolysis System Safety

WHA’s oxygen and hydrogen expertise combine in a new training course for electrolysis system safety.

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WHA H2 Experts Present Webinar for Center for Hydrogen Safety

Drs. Dani Murphy and Harold Beeson present a live webinar to the members of the Center for Hydrogen Safety (CHS).

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