Oxygen Safety Compliance & Auditing

WHA advances oxygen safety around the globe through system design reviews, process reviews, compliance audits, and specific oxygen safety consulting services.  Our experienced engineers review oxygen systems, components, and processes, either through on-site inspection or remote assessment, to provide you feedback on system safety and fire risk, as well as solutions that ultimately bring you peace of mind.

We often package oxygen system reviews with technical training solutions, which can include customizable modules on subjects like oxygen cleaning.


System Design Review

An oxygen system design review (SDR) is a less formal hazard analysis method performed on a system design.  It incorporates the same analytical approach as a system-level OFRA. The inspection considers industry best practices and design principles from oxygen piping and equipment standards such as:

  • ASTM G-88
  • CGA G-4.4/EIGA IGC 13-12
  • SAE AIR 825/13

A thorough system inspection is the first step in any hazard analysis project, and we may recommend a formal OFRA as part of your system inspection.

Oxygen Forensic Engineering Expert Witness

System Process Review

  • The processes and procedures governing the use of an oxygen system are just as important as the design itself.
    • Operator error is a very real hazard
    • Your staff members are an important part of preventing and mitigating system failures.

    In a system process review (SPR), our engineers are review your oxygen system processes and procedures to provide recommendations on best practices to reduce and mitigate risk.

Compliance Audits

Compliance audits (CA) are performed to evaluate your design and processes as compared to industry best practice, as documented in specific industry standards such as

  • ASTM G88, G94, G63, G93 or other ASTM standards for general use of oxygen throughout all industries
  • CGA G-4.4/EIGA 13-12, CGA G4.14/EIGA 200/17, and other CGA or EIGA standards for the use of oxygen in industrial pipeline systems
  • SAE AIR825, EASA CS-25, or other SAE standards for aircraft oxygen systems
  • NFPA 53, NFPA 99, or other NFPA standards for oxygen use throughout industry and in healthcare facilities
  • Other international standards for oxygen system design and safe operations.

Compliance audits can involve component or system design, manufacturing methods, or precision oxygen cleaning process.  Many organizations are required to comply with these regulations, and some government agencies require inspections and safety audits to be performed by a qualified third party.


Technical Training Compliance

As part of safety compliance, organizations are often required to meet specific training requirements. We can combine compliance auditing services with customized training packages to equip your personnel. In this way, you can take advantage of our engineers’ time on site, scheduling system inspections and consulting together with technical training. Our customizable training packages cover everything from beginner knowledge to expert application, including specialized modules like precision oxygen cleaning.

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We’re in the business of finding answers. Contact us to request a free, confidential consultation with an experienced engineer who can help you better understand your needs and our solutions.

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