Training Course Feedback WHA Technical Training Course Evaluation Thank you so much for attending a recent WHA training course. Would you tell us how it went? On what date did you complete your training? (Last day)(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY What training format did you recieve?(Required)In-Person Live EventLive WebinarOn-Demand Interactive eLearningOn-Demand Webinar RecordingWhat course are you evaluating? (Choose the highest level course you attended)(Required)Oxygen Level 1: O2 AwareOxygen Level 2: O2 PracticeOxygen Level 3: O2 DesignOxygen Level 4: O2 AnalyzeO2 AuditHydrogen Level 1: H2 AwareHydrogen Level 2: H2 PracticeHydrogen Level 3: H2 DesignHydrogen Level 4: H2 AnalyzeOxygen Level 1: O3 AwareH2/O2 Safety for ElectrolyzersOverall, were you satisfied with this course?(Required) Did not meet my expectations Just met my expectations Exceeded my expectations Course ContentHow would you rate the following aspects of your training experience?Technical Content☆☆☆☆☆ Very Satisfied☆☆☆☆ Satisfied☆☆☆ Neutral☆☆ Unsatisfied☆ Very UnsatisfiedVisual Aids☆☆☆☆☆ Very Satisfied☆☆☆☆ Satisfied☆☆☆ Neutral☆☆ Unsatisfied☆ Very UnsatisfiedTime Alloted☆☆☆☆☆ Very Satisfied☆☆☆☆ Satisfied☆☆☆ Neutral☆☆ Unsatisfied☆ Very UnsatisfiedExamples☆☆☆☆☆ Very Satisfied☆☆☆☆ Satisfied☆☆☆ Neutral☆☆ Unsatisfied☆ Very UnsatisfiedExercises & Quizzes☆☆☆☆☆ Very Satisfied☆☆☆☆ Satisfied☆☆☆ Neutral☆☆ Unsatisfied☆ Very UnsatisfiedWhat did you think of the technical content for the given course level? Too easy Too difficult Just right Course EffectivenessHow often will you apply what you learned to your present job assignment? Rarely Occasionally Frequently Almost constantly What was your impression of the instructors' knowledge and capability as a teacher? Inadequate Limited to textbook Above average Outstanding Suggestions for improvementThank you for sharing your thoughts! Your feedback helps us continue to improve.Please describe any strengths of this coursePlease describe any weaknesses of this courseHow was your experience registering for and participating in this course format?(in-person, virtual, e-training, etc.)How would you change/improve future training experiences?Considering all aspects of the WHA training course evaluated above, on a scale of 1 to 5, please provide an overall rating for your training experience.☆☆☆☆☆ Very Satisfied☆☆☆☆ Satisfied☆☆☆ Neutral☆☆ Unsatisfied☆ Very UnsatisfiedPersonal InformationPlease tell us about yourself, or feel free to leave your submission anonymous.Name First Last CompanyEmail We would love to use your input to promote future WHA courses. Please let us know if we should NOT publish your name and/or company information along with your feedback. No, please keep my feedback anonymous. CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.