WHA has provided forensic engineering litigation support services since 1987. Our emphasis has always been on understanding the physical evidence, the standard of care, and finding the cause of an event using the highest level of integrity and scientific/engineering reliability. The scientific method of documentation, evaluation, analysis, experimentation, observation and discovery is utilized to ensure our opinions and conclusions are founded on solid science. WHA is committed to the understanding and integrity provided by this approach, and we strive to live up to this standard in all the services it provides.
Our engineers and scientists participate in writing and revising many industry standards and codes, and are knowledgeable regarding relevant research in the industries in which we specialize. We use state-of-the-art techniques, procedures, and forensic tools to ensure that our thorough professional evaluations consider all facts and evidence in a case. Our background, training, and experience allows us to provide detailed analysis of an incident, including questions regarding standards of care.
Litigation Experience
WHA engineers provide forensic incident investigation services in accordance with industry standards and best practices (ASTM), including:
- Incident scene documentation
- Evidence gathering, preservation, storage, and chain of custody
- Laboratory evidence inspections/exams, including inspections at WHA’s laboratory with specialty instrumentation and equipment for evidence evaluation/analysis:
- Light optical microscopy
- Digital microscopy with 2-D/3-D imaging and measurement
- X-ray Fluorescence (XRF)
- Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy
- Micro-FTIR spectroscopy
- Gas chromatography/mass spectroscopy

Litigation Experience
WHA’s expertise has been accepted in state and federal courts throughout the US and internationally (Canada, United Kingdom) and covers a wide range of expert services, including the forensic engineering and litigation services below:
- Case Evaluation and Analysis
- Research and Testing
- Standard of Care Research and Evaluation
- Rule 26 Expert Report and Expert Deposition/Trial Testimony
- Opposing Expert Critique and Rebuttal Analysis
- Litigation and Trial Exhibits including Animation, PowerPoint Illustrations and Physics Simulation
We Get the Science Right
The ultimate goal of an expert witness is to accurately reconstruct the circumstances of an incident, consistent with the physical evidence, facts, and laws of physics and then effectively communicate often complicated scientific principles to the court and the jury, the “trier of fact.” Instead of speculation, we utilize forensic analysis and engineering, scientific testing and event reconstruction to understand and then illustrate complex science and laws of physics. Our experience, expertise, tools, and track record provide the confidence you need to successfully resolve your case.